
How to Maximize Your Digital Storage

Whether we realize it or not, we’re spoiled with ample storage space with today’s smartphone models. To put it into perspective, the first-ever iPhone came with either 4 GB or 8 GB of storage back in 2007. For the newest iPhone models in 2025, the lowest storage amount is 128 GB, and the highest goes up to 1 TB for Pro and Max models. Since terabytes were previously only used in full-blown computers, that’s an astounding development.

The problem is that we now also have high-quality 4K and 8K photos and videos, supercharged apps, and updates that take up a lot of that space. Yet there are also things, such as streamed movies and music, that used to be space hogs but no longer are. You can even play free casino games for fun without downloading anything.

No matter how much storage space we have on our devices, it’s what we make of it and how we manage it that matters the most. We might only have a small hard drive or an Android with limited space, but with the right strategies, we can maximize every megabyte and gigabyte to its full potential. Let’s go over them below.

Declutter Your Device

It can be tempting to let old screenshots, photos, videos, apps, and files pile up on your device. After all, once you’re too far into the deep end, it takes a lot of manual effort to get out of it. All these files eat away at your storage, and that’s why it’s so important to declutter from time to time. Luckily, plenty of apps can help with the cleaning process, including CleanMyMac or CleanMyPhone, which automatically scan through your clutter and gives you an overview before taking care of the cleanup for you.

These apps can go through more than just what meets the eye—it’s often all the extras like browser caches, app data, and leftover processes that are hogging space. You might even want to set some time aside at the end of each week to review everything you’ve accumulated from those seven days alone.

Utilize Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is one of the best ways to manage your digital storage. It not only offers a way to offload data but is also incredibly secure and allows you to access files from any device. We’ve come a long way with technology, from dog gadgets to AI tools, smart home devices, and electric vehicles.


And thanks to these advancements, there are now countless services to consider, including iCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and more. Your final choice will ultimately depend on pricing, device compatibility, and features.

Rather than store all your personal and work files directly on your computer, you can save them in your cloud storage instead. While this may sound intimidating if you haven’t used the cloud before, these services have automatic backups, top-of-the-line security features, and zero-knowledge policies that will give you the peace of mind you deserve.

Use External Storage Solutions

With cloud storage, external hard drives and USBs might seem like obsolete digital storage solutions, but they still have their merits. Especially since you need an internet connection to access cloud storage solutions, they are not necessarily the best choice for every situation. For example, if you know you’ll be travelling in areas with limited internet access, an external storage device will let you access your important documents regardless.

Many solutions often boast large storage capabilities, with 2TB USB thumb drives, external 4TB USB flash drives, and bigger external hard disk drives with double-digit capacities. Samsung’s T5 EVO portable SSD, at just under $430, is one of the market’s most affordable 8TB models.

Manage Your Apps Regularly

While we’ve talked about decluttering your files, folders, and media, we pay even less attention to our apps. Admittedly, it is much easier to uninstall apps on our smartphones, but when it comes to computers, these devices tend to accumulate a lot more components than we think.

Mobile apps are typically standalone programs, whereas desktop apps have multiple constituents across the system. There could be configuration files, background processes, and other data that don’t necessarily get deleted when you drag the icon to the trash can. It’s important to go through the proper protocols (perhaps by using an app) to clear those caches, remove any leftover data, and uninstall these apps properly.


Besides deletion, you also want to pay attention to the apps you use regularly, updating them to optimize their use of storage space and make sure they have the latest security updates and features. iOS users can also take advantage of the App Offloading feature, which lets them remove the app from their devices while saving their data when reinstalling it. For instance, I might only use my Goodreads app when I want to update my reading progress. Rather than keeping it permanently on my device, I can offload it and install it again only when needed.

Use Smart Storage Apps

As hinted at throughout this article, smart storage apps and aids are often the biggest asset for those looking to maximize their digital storage. These apps are built especially for cleanup, organization, and efficiency purposes, so why not browse your respective app store for ideas? If you’re not particularly tech-savvy, don’t have much time on your hands, or simply don’t want to go through the process of storage management, these tools can save you considerable time and stress—so you can use your devices without worrying about running out of space.